Wednesday, August 22, 2007

64-Slice CT High Definition Coronary Artery Scans

Coronary artery disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Every 60 seconds, someone in this country suffers a fatal heart attack. In half of those cases, there is NO warning or previous symptoms.

When detected early, chances are good that the progression of the disease can be halted or even reversed and heart attacks or strokes can be prevented.

Studies have shown that the "usual" risk factors, such as cholesterol levels, are no better at predicting who will have a heart attack than a coin-toss. Seventy-percent of all heart attacks occur in people with normal cholesterol levels.

Stress tests don't show any abnormalities until an artery is at least 60% narrowed. Most heart attacks occur in arteries that are less than 50% narrowed and are therefore NOT detectable by any form of stress testing.

A coronary artery scan can determine if you are at risk for a heart attack years before the first symptoms.

By detecting calcium deposits in the artery walls, the Seimens Sensation 64-Slice High Definition Heart Scan can detect the presence of blockages in your coronary arteries that may not yet be severe enough to show up on other tests.

The Coronary Artery Scan is the most sensitive non-invasive method currently available to accurately identify the presence of early coronary artery disease.

For more details visit the Princeton Longevity Center

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