Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Thermogenic Effect of Foods We Eat

When I say "thermogenic," many people instantly think of fat burning supplements or exotic herbs, green tea, etc., which are designed to ramp up your metabolism and burn off body fat.

Concentrating on tiny details (especially before you’ve mastered the basics of nutrition) is putting the cart before the horse. It’s like getting excited by the (misguided) idea that drinking enough ice cold water is "thermogenic" and is going to get you ripped because the body has to "warm it up" and that expends energy... when meanwhile, people are skipping meals, drinking beer on weekends and working out sporadically. This makes no sense to me. We need to look at the big picture.

ALL foods are "thermogenic" because the body must use energy to digest them. This is known as the "thermic effect of food" (TEF). When you say "thermogenic food" to me, I think of REAL, WHOLE FOODS.

The most thermogenic fat burning food is lean protein from solid foods, especially the following:

  • chicken breast
  • turkey breast
  • bison, buffalo
  • very lean red meat such as top round and lean sirloin
  • almost all types of fish
  • shellfish and other seafood
  • egg whites (limit the yolks)
Protein powders are conveneint and some - like WHEY - even have functional properties (as antioxidants and immune boosters), but powders aren't as thermogenic as real food. They are easily broken down by the body.

Focusing on highly thermogenic WHOLE foods (and not a lot of shakes or powdered drink mixes) can really crank up your metabolism due to the thermic effect of whole food.

It’s commonly known that of all the macronutrients (protein, carbs and fat), lean protein has the highest thermic effect.

I believe the thermic effect of protein is even higher than most people realize.

When you combine thermogenic lean protein foods with the right amounts and types of essential fats, add in plenty of green vegetables and just the right amount of natural starchy carbs and whole grains, your body will literally turn into a turbo-charged fat burning machine. - without eliminating food groups (carbs).

Select a green vegetable or fibrous vegetable such as asparagus, green beans, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, salad vegetables, etc., and then combine that with one of the lean proteins (mentioned above).

That is the foundation of your fat burning meal (lean protein + fibrous carb). From there, add: Starchy carbs or grains such as brown rice, oats, or sweet potatoes Fruit is also quite acceptable (Nature's Candy)

Make sure to focus more on the green and fibrous vegetables due to their lower caloric density.
Eat most of your carbs (starches and grains and simple sugars) early in the day and right after your weight training - the two times when insulin sensitivity is at it's highest.

Follow these simple rules and reap the amazing benefits of the Thermogenic effects of food!

by Mike French

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